News and statements


THE DIRE SITUATION IN WAR-TORN PALESTINE Original article in Swedish  A delegation of Olof Palme International Center, SOLIDAR member based in Sweden, has recently travelled to Palestine and Israel to meet their local partners and other political representatives and civil society organisations.  Anna Sundström, Secretary General of Olof Palme International Center and Chair of the SOLIDAR…

SOLIDAR network at Sabir Festival: alternatives for solidarity and rights-based migration policies
News and statements

SOLIDAR network at Sabir Festival: alternatives for solidarity and rights-based migration policies

The 7th edition of Sabir Festival took place from 28th to 30th October 2021 in Lecce, Italy, under the title ‘’The frontier of rights and the pandemic’’. Sabir, the festival of Mediterranean cultures, is co-organised yearly by SOLIDAR members ARCI and CGIL, along with Italian organisations ACLI, Caritas Italiana, ASGI and Carta di Roma. This…

The Recognition of the State of Palestine: time of action is now
News and statements

The Recognition of the State of Palestine: time of action is now

The Recognition of the State of Palestine: time of action is now On 26 November 2020, SOLIDAR members ACPP, ARCS, ARCI, CGIL, ISCOS, MPDL, NEXUS, OPIC and Progetto Sud/UIL organised an online conference on the Recognition of the State of Palestine.  With a great panel of speakers, this conference went “back in time” to the Swedish experience of recognising Palestine, looked into…

In Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon: MAJALAT launches the 2020 subgranting activities
News and statements

In Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon: MAJALAT launches the 2020 subgranting activities

As part of the EU funded initiative MAJALAT to enhance dialogue between Southern neighborhood civil society and the European Union, five organisations from Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon, beneficiaries from the 2020 Small Grant Facility, will conduct different nationwide workshops on topics considered of common interest. The activities are taking place from 18th of September and until the 15th of December…

Palestine: call for effective measures to stop annexations by Israel
News and statements

Palestine: call for effective measures to stop annexations by Israel

Palestine: call for effective measures to stop annexations by Israel 1st of July was the announced date for the beginning of the Israeli plan to annex more than 30% of the occupied West Bank.   Faced with great uncertainty about whether Israel will finally go ahead with the annexation initiative, which has generated international condemnation from some…

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities
News and statements

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities In a communication on 28th March 2020, the MAJALAT consortium announced: “Due to the exceptional circumstances linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and based on recommendations from public health authorities, the Majalat Consortium announced the postponement of all the thematic workshops which were to be held in the period…

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region
News and statements

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region On 2 and 3 December, more than 130 civil society organisations from the southern Mediterranean shore met with representatives of the European Institutions in Brussels in the second edition of the Civil Society Forum. This forum is part of the EU-funded MAJALAT initiative, which…

Tunisia brings together about 100 participants of southern civil society in the framework of the structured dialogue with the European Union MAJALAT
News and statements

Tunisia brings together about 100 participants of southern civil society in the framework of the structured dialogue with the European Union MAJALAT

The second edition of the Civil Society South Seminar was held last week in Tunisia (on 3 and 4 September), gathering together around 100 representatives of southern civil society. This encounter, framed on the Majalat initiative – a programme funded by the European Union to encourage a structured dialogue with civil society in the Southern…

SOLIDAR @Sabir Festival: Humanitarian crisis need humanitarian solutions
News and statements

SOLIDAR @Sabir Festival: Humanitarian crisis need humanitarian solutions

This week at Sabir we have a common objective: standing together under the SOLIDARity flag. More concretely SOLIDAR, our members and the other partners that are going to attend the fifth edition of the Festival want to underline the need to mobilise civil society, with all other actors working in the reception and integration of…