Accent on a security approach is not the way
News and statements

Accent on a security approach is not the way

In its conclusions the European Council states: We are determined to further develop a fully functioning comprehensive migration policy. We will continue and deepen our cooperation with countries of origin and transit to fight illegal migration and human trafficking and to ensure effective returns. Concerning the internal dimension, we need agreement on an effective migration…

World Refugees Day 2019 – SOLIDAR statement and recommendations
News and statements

World Refugees Day 2019 – SOLIDAR statement and recommendations

The World Refugees Day should remind the importance of a fair and concrete migration policy for the management of the arrivals of refugees in Europe and worldwide. Six months ago the United Nations General Assembly affirmed the Global Compact on Refugees as common framework for more predictable and equitable responsibility-sharing, recognizing that a sustainable solution…

SOLIDAR @Sabir Festival: Humanitarian crisis need humanitarian solutions
News and statements

SOLIDAR @Sabir Festival: Humanitarian crisis need humanitarian solutions

This week at Sabir we have a common objective: standing together under the SOLIDARity flag. More concretely SOLIDAR, our members and the other partners that are going to attend the fifth edition of the Festival want to underline the need to mobilise civil society, with all other actors working in the reception and integration of…

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for solidarity and shows that integration is possible

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for solidarity and shows that integration is possible

May 15, 2019 Civil society – concrete solutions against anti-immigrant rhetoric and systematic impasse The anti-immigrant sentiment fueled by nationalists and populists across Europe has been causing restrictive immigration policies that breed the stigmatization of migrants. The politics of fear is fed by the same hate, racism and xenophobia that it fuels and that is embodied…

SOLIDAR and trade unions organisations from the Mediterranean region met in Marseille to strengthen advocacy on human and trade union rights
News and statements

SOLIDAR and trade unions organisations from the Mediterranean region met in Marseille to strengthen advocacy on human and trade union rights

SOLIDAR and trade unions organisations from the Mediterranean region met in Marseille to strengthen advocacy on human and trade union rights On the 9 and 10 April, SOLIDAR members together with representatives from trade union organisations from Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Jordan, Italy, France and Spain gathered in Marseille for a workshop entitled “In search of…

5th European Migration Forum – The role of civil society and local authorities in managing migration
News and statements

5th European Migration Forum – The role of civil society and local authorities in managing migration

The fifth European Migration Forum – the dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration – took place in the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels, on 3 and 4 April 2019 and addressed “the role of local authorities and civil society in managing migration and ensuring safe and regular pathways…

Education and Migration: SOLIDAR takes part in a Social partners’ training Seminar
News and statements

Education and Migration: SOLIDAR takes part in a Social partners’ training Seminar

On 14-15 March 2019 SOLIDAR participated in the Seminar on the inclusion of migrants and refugee learners in education organised by ETUCE-EFEE in Copenhagen. During the meeting we presented some of the work of our members to support the inclusion of migrants such as  informal education activities with the support of volunteers (the Volunteering Matters…

A new study from the EU Parliament on the Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance
News and statements

A new study from the EU Parliament on the Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance

The European Parliament published a study by the Parliament think tank on the facilitation directive and trends towards criminalisation of humanitarian assistance. The study, titled “Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants” was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at…

Southern European leaders Summit in Nicosia – another set of weak recommendations on migration
News and statements

Southern European leaders Summit in Nicosia – another set of weak recommendations on migration

On 29 January this week, the Southern European Heads of State or Government, from Cyprus, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta, and Spain met in Nicosia to discuss their position on some ongoing political issues at the EU level. One of these issues was, as predictable, migration. Establishing a united front on the reform of EU…