EMPASY – Emotional Literacy and participatory approaches to support youth mental health

EMPASY – Emotional Literacy and participatory approaches to support youth mental health

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? EMPASY is a two-year Erasmus+ funded capacity building action in the field of youth implemented by a consortium that spans across the EU (Italy, Belgium) and the MENA region (Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan). The projects runs from November 2024 until end of October 2026. It responds to the growing needs among…

ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 

ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 

In the framework of the ECHO Network project, SOLIDAR Foundation together with ECHO Network project partners produced a Plea for an Ethical and Sustainable Digital Transition. The document builds on the findings of the ECHO Network project and advocates for an ethical and sustainable digital transition. It contains a plea to European policymakers to promote…

Europe’s Next Chapter: Balancing Prosperity, Sustainability, and Social Justice
News and statements

Europe’s Next Chapter: Balancing Prosperity, Sustainability, and Social Justice

At the European Parliament’s constituent plenary session in July 2024, Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected President of the European Commission. She then got to present her new Political Guidelines, a document based on the European Council’s Strategic Agenda that sets out the priority areas on which the Commission will focus and, in broad terms,…

CLADES – Critical Language awareness, democratic engagement & sustainability

CLADES – Critical Language awareness, democratic engagement & sustainability

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? CLADES (Critical Language Awareness, Democratic Engagement and Sustainability) is an Erasmus+ funded project running from October 2024 to August 2027 which aims to increase civic engagement and sustainability literacy through Critical Language Awareness (CLA). The project’s consortium is composed of 5 partner organisations: SOLIDAR Foundation (Belgium), The Comenius University (Slovakia),…

Digital Education Action Plan mid-term review: SOLIDAR Foundation’s Position Paper

Digital Education Action Plan mid-term review: SOLIDAR Foundation’s Position Paper

This month, in the framework of the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) Midterm Review, SOLIDAR Foundation participated in a Strategic Dialogue organised by DG EMPL. After DG EAC’s CSO Consultation that took place in July, the Strategic Dialogue was another moment where stakeholders could have their say on the Action Plan and give recommendations on how to…

ERASMUS+ Operating Grant

ERASMUS+ Operating Grant

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? The work of SOLIDAR Foundation is supported by an Erasmus + Framework Partnership Operating Grant focused on promoting Democratic Participation and Inclusion through Global Citizenship Education from 2023 to 2025. WHY? Over this period, SOLIDAR Foundation’s overall objective is to increase the influence and voice of our members at the…

LLLWeek 2023 | Weeklong discussions on education and lifelong learning & the sixth European Education Summit
News and statements

LLLWeek 2023 | Weeklong discussions on education and lifelong learning & the sixth European Education Summit

It’s that time of year again! From 27 November until 1 December the Lifelong Learning Week organised by the Lifelong Learning Platform took place in Brussels. The LLLWeek aims to raise awareness on lifelong learning’s capacity to answer many challenges of modern societies and has become a milestone in the European education agenda, thanks to the support of…

LLLWeek 2023 Workshop: Validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector | SOLIDAR Foundation & Diesis Network
News and statements

LLLWeek 2023 Workshop: Validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector | SOLIDAR Foundation & Diesis Network

During the LLLWeek, SOLIDAR Foundation and Diesis co-organised a joint event on the Validation of competences acquired in the civil sector. The event showcased the IMAGES and baSE Projects, presenting the results respectively preliminary findings, and brought together experts and policymakers to discuss the importance of the recognition of transversal skills. As Welcoming and Concluding Remarks, S&D MEP Alicia Homs Ginel highlighted…