2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: SOLIDAR actions in the field
Together with its members, partners and allies, SOLIDAR Network is committed to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More in particular, it works all around the world to ensure the progressive realisation of Economic and Social Rights and for an enabling space for Civil Society Organisations, a precondition for the 2030 Agenda to be implemented.
In February, to reinforce joint advocacy actions by local CSOs (SOLIDAR members and partners in these two areas), SOLIDAR launched a Call for Proposals as part of its Organising International Solidarity (OIS) programme, funded by the European Union (EU).
The full list of proposed actions that have been awarded the SGF are displayed in this chart.
The SGF includes two lots:
- Lot 1 – Multi-countries/sub-regional: actions that take place in more than one of the above mentioned countries.
- Lot 2 – In-country: actions that take place in one of the above mentioned countries.