LLLWeek 2023 Workshop: Validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector | SOLIDAR Foundation & Diesis Network

During the LLLWeek, SOLIDAR Foundation and Diesis co-organised a joint event on the Validation of competences acquired in the civil sector. The event showcased the IMAGES and baSE Projects, presenting the results respectively preliminary findings, and brought together experts and policymakers to discuss the importance of the recognition of transversal skills.
As Welcoming and Concluding Remarks, S&D MEP Alicia Homs Ginel highlighted that transversal skills and competences are crucial for personal and societal development, and CSOs have a highly important role in their development and recognition. Giovanni Serra, Roma Tre University, IMAGES Project Partner, presented the IMAGES project, which concluded with an European repertoire of competences for local third sector managers and resulted in a better recognition of their competences. Florence Lanzi, University of Liège, presented the preliminary findings of the baSE project, which consists of a blueprint for advanced skills and training in social economy.
During the panel discussion, Francesco Losappio, Policy Officer Skills & ESCO, DG EMPL, presented ESCO, which is a dictionary describing all skills and occupations in all languages, linking the two aspects: skills and occupations. Tatjana Babrauskiene, EESC, Workers Group, noted the interconnection between competences and values, and the urmost difficulty of recognition and validation. Moreover, she highlighted the importance of civil society in bridging the gap between workers and non-workers, due to the focus on adult education. Pauline Boivin, Project and Policy Manager, LLLP, referred to knowledge, skills and attitudes as the basis of full personal development. Transversal skills are missing form the European agenda, as the discussions only include skills for labour market and twin transitions rather that democratic societal wellbeing.
The discussion further touched upon the utmost importance of empathy and cultural competences.