Case Study |  How Guatemala’s hydroelectric potential turned into a case of Unjust Transition

Case Study | How Guatemala’s hydroelectric potential turned into a case of Unjust Transition

“This is a story of great pain. It disrupted the life of an entire community, causing death and irredeemable loss, leaving effects that are still felt to this day.”C. Human Rights Defender Hydroelectric power represents a viable alternative for an energy transition in Guatemala. Due to its geography and natural resources, Guatemala has the potential…

A fair green and digital transition is a catalyst for change, says Letta report
News and statements

A fair green and digital transition is a catalyst for change, says Letta report

May 7, 2024 At the end of April, former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta launched a report on the future of the EU’s Single Market, with proposals that should shape the next EU mandate. The report stresses that a fair green and digital transition is a catalyst for a stronger European single market and reaffirms…

The EU finally sees platform workers: member states should not be short-sighted in transposing the directive  
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The EU finally sees platform workers: member states should not be short-sighted in transposing the directive  

The EU finally sees platform workers: member states should not be short-sighted in transposing the directive   On 24th April the European Parliament plenary formally voted in favour of the Directive to improve working conditions in platform work, moving one step closer to the final adoption of this piece of legislation, which at this stage only…

SOLIDAR joins civil society calls on public finance and taxation and on sustainable resource management
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SOLIDAR joins civil society calls on public finance and taxation and on sustainable resource management

Ahead of two important events in Brussels, the World Circular Economy Forum 2024 on 15-18 April and the European Council on 17-18 April, SOLIDAR has signed two letters from civil society with a strong focus on just transition.  Public investment at the heart of the European Council’s Strategic Agenda At the special meeting of the…

The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, an exercise in eroding the right to seek asylum, is set to become law 
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The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, an exercise in eroding the right to seek asylum, is set to become law 

Three years and a half after its presentation in September 2020 by the European Commission, the adoption process of the no-longer-so New Pact on Migration and Asylum is finally nearing its end. Members of Parliament (MEPs) adopted last Wednesday, 10th April, six regulations constituting the EU Pact, as well as two recast directives and a…

An EU Industrial Deal should learn from the shortcomings of the EU Green Deal
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An EU Industrial Deal should learn from the shortcomings of the EU Green Deal

April 9, 2024 There is growing political momentum for an EU Industrial Deal, but SOLIDAR believes that it should strengthen and take forward the European Green Deal, not replace it. To be socially just, it should reconcile the climate, social and economic agendas to ensure a sustainable and fair future for all.  A declaration for…

Solidarity protests with Palestinian people banned in at least 12 EU countries, finds new analysis, six months on from the horrific Hamas attack on 7 October
News and statements

Solidarity protests with Palestinian people banned in at least 12 EU countries, finds new analysis, six months on from the horrific Hamas attack on 7 October

Protests banned on grounds of protecting ‘public order’ and ‘security’ The European Civic Forum, Civil Liberties Union for Europe, CIVICUS, European Network Against Racism and Solidar are calling on the European Commission to address at the highest political level the unlawful restrictions on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression imposed by member states since the dramatic escalation of violence…