The European year of digital citizenship education 2025 kicked off!
News and statements

The European year of digital citizenship education 2025 kicked off!

Today the Council of Europe’s European Year of Digital Citizenship Education (EYDCE) has been launched! SOLIDAR will support the EYDCE’s goal to encourage education that helps people use digital technologies in the right way and effectively, and to deal with problems like false information, bullying online, hate speech, and the misuse of personal data. The…

EMPASY – Emotional Literacy and participatory approaches to support youth mental health

EMPASY – Emotional Literacy and participatory approaches to support youth mental health

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? EMPASY is a two-year Erasmus+ funded capacity building action in the field of youth implemented by a consortium that spans across the EU (Italy, Belgium) and the MENA region (Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan). The projects runs from November 2024 until end of October 2026. It responds to the growing needs among…

Draghi report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it

Draghi report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it

DRAGHI Report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it The long-awaited report authored by Mario Draghi, the famous former European Central Bank President, is titled “EU competitiveness: Looking ahead” and was presented on 9th September 2024. It was requested by the European Commission and reflects his…

Democracy in action – a conference on global citizenship education
News and statements

Democracy in action – a conference on global citizenship education

On Tuesday 3 December SOLIDAR Foundation organised Democracy in Action: A Conference on Global Citizenship Education at the European Parliament where the new Policy Paper Global Citizenship Education and Democratic Participation in Europe was presented.The event brought together several experts to discuss the role of Global Citizenship Edcuation (GCE) in acting as a catalyst for…

Audience during the Global Green Deal at EESC
News and statements

Global Green Deal: How can the EU lead a Fair and Just Transition Worldwide?

Since the adoption of the European Green Deal (EGD) in 2019, a key question remains: How can the EU better involve partner countries in its ambitions towards a fair and just transition?  This concern was at the centre of SOLIDAR’s event, organised together with the Fair Trade Advocacy Office, Fair trade International and the World…

9th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal
News and statements

9th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal

The 9th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, held in Brussels on 4-5 November, brought together more than 70 civil society organisations (CSOs) from across Europe. Organised by SOLIDAR, SDG Watch Europe, and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), this final edition of the Forum focused on strategising on the SDGs and Agenda 30, and discussing the…

ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 

ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 

In the framework of the ECHO Network project, SOLIDAR Foundation together with ECHO Network project partners produced a Plea for an Ethical and Sustainable Digital Transition. The document builds on the findings of the ECHO Network project and advocates for an ethical and sustainable digital transition. It contains a plea to European policymakers to promote…