News and statements


SOLIDAR calls for a Just Transition towards Social Justice globally. Today, 20th February, SOLIDAR celebrates, together with its members, the World Day of Social Justice and organises for the respect of human rights, climate action, equity, social justice and peace.  Ensuring that the green transition towards climate neutrality is Just and Fair and includes all countries across…

The Silver Rose Lifetime Achievement Award goes to… Lee Cheuk-yan!
News and statements

The Silver Rose Lifetime Achievement Award goes to… Lee Cheuk-yan!

For more than 20 years, Silver Rose Awards has been celebrating Civil Society Organisations and individuals whose extraordinary struggles contribute greatly to social justice and solidarity throughout the world. The collectives, movements, activists, and civil society organisations we have awarded for their long-lasting commitment to social justice in their respective communities, often do so at a great risk….

Occupational Safety and Health: a fundamental right for a Just Transition
News and statements

Occupational Safety and Health: a fundamental right for a Just Transition

As indicated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in its Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a fundamental dimension of Just Transition.   This year on June the 10th, during the 110th International Labour Conference in Geneva, delegates adopted a ground-breaking resolution, adding…

Countering Shrinking Space through SOLIDAR Members’ Actions | Global Week of Action 2022
News and statements

Countering Shrinking Space through SOLIDAR Members’ Actions | Global Week of Action 2022

This 20 February 2022 marked the third year of SOLIDAR’s mobilisation for the World Day for Social Justice. In the span of a week, SOLIDAR and its members shared about their work to further social justice in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America and how they keep doing so despite their space for action…

News and statements

#SOLIDARityWithCGIL: Fascist and violent actions have no place in a democratic country!

JOIN OUR SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN WITH CGIL On Saturday, 9 October 2021, a group of violent protestors affiliated to the far-right party Forza Nuova, well known for its fascist views, attacked the Rome headquarter of SOLIDAR’s member CGIL, the oldest and biggest trade union movement in Italy. The group left the main, unauthorized protest, of the no…

Celebrating the Silver Rose 2020 Winners – A pandemic is no excuse to bypass Human Rights
News and statements

Celebrating the Silver Rose 2020 Winners – A pandemic is no excuse to bypass Human Rights

Due to the current health and social crisis, the SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation Board has decided the Silver Rose Ceremony will not take place this year in person*.  However, an online event will be held in honour of the winners and their work, on 10th December 2020, Human Rights Day. Please register at this link to virtually attend the event – registration…

Shrinking Space: severe human rights violations of Awá people in Nariño – Colombia
News and statements

Shrinking Space: severe human rights violations of Awá people in Nariño – Colombia

The department of Nariño, in Colombia, is experiencing an increase of violence against the Awá community and constant violations of their human rights, in particular targeted at the young population. Despite the signature of the Peace Agreement, Colombia is undergoing levels of violence that are jeopardizing the agreement and the situation has worsened during the pandemic. Colombian Congress members…