Partnering with Tunisia, the EU persists in its ill-guided politics to keep people out of its territory – and have a highly repressive country do the dirty job
News and statements

Partnering with Tunisia, the EU persists in its ill-guided politics to keep people out of its territory – and have a highly repressive country do the dirty job

The EU must stop signing agreements with third countries demonstrating human rights violations as it tries to stop migrants from arriving to Europe. Background The EU officially announced the past 16th of July the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding for a ‘’comprehensive partnership package’’ with Tunisia.[1] Organised in three main axes (economic and trade…

The renewed AU-EU partnership: a more structured dialogue with Civil Society Organisations
News and statements

The renewed AU-EU partnership: a more structured dialogue with Civil Society Organisations

On February 17 and 18, the 6th European Union (EU) – Africa Union (AU) Summit took place in Brussels in an event that gathered the heads of the states and governments from the Members States of both regions. One of the outcomes of this Summit was the final declaration “A Joint Vision for 2030”. Ahead of this…

Countering Shrinking Space through SOLIDAR Members’ Actions | Global Week of Action 2022
News and statements

Countering Shrinking Space through SOLIDAR Members’ Actions | Global Week of Action 2022

This 20 February 2022 marked the third year of SOLIDAR’s mobilisation for the World Day for Social Justice. In the span of a week, SOLIDAR and its members shared about their work to further social justice in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America and how they keep doing so despite their space for action…

Joint Declaration: Setting the Right Priorities for a Sustainable EU-Africa Partnership
News and statements

Joint Declaration: Setting the Right Priorities for a Sustainable EU-Africa Partnership

Joint Declaration: Setting the Right Priorities for a Sustainable EU-Africa Partnership Hosted by the SOLIDAR members Forum for International Cooperation (FIC) and SOLIDARITÉ Laïque, acting as SOLIDAR sub-regional coordinators in Western, Eastern and Southern Africa, the SOLIDAR Africa Regional Exchange took place from October 30th to November 16th 2020. 57 participants representing trade unions and NGOS from 22 African and European countries met online, to discuss the main challenges to…

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Kenya

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Kenya

Decent work is an integral part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to which the Kenyan Government is committed. Nevertheless, poor compliance with laws jeopardizes Kenyan workers’ rights. The country’s youth remains vulnerable to exploitation. In health, Kenya lacks a comprehensive strategy to address the various dimensions of universal health coverage. And in education, the major challenge is…

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Burkina Faso

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Burkina Faso

How can the European Union (EU) better contribute to the development of enabling spaces for civil society organizations (CSOs) in Burkina Faso? How can the EU support the progressive realisation of economic and social rights,namely decent work and social protection for all, in line with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Led by Solidarité Laïque Burkina Faso, the present…