Just4all Studies Just Transition and Education in Cyprus, France, Ireland, and Sweden
Following the start of the collection of good practices last month, Just4All, an EU-funded project will now begin to develop four national reports on Just Transition and Education. The works are part of three research and training activities including a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
Just4ALL’s research papers will explore just transition policies, programmes, and funding, particularly in relation to Lifelong Learning and Adult Education in Cyprus, France, Ireland, and Sweden. They will examine how climate change impacts the Education sector, what a just transition means for learners and educators, and to what extent civil society organisations in the sector are included in discussions on just transition. Researchers will also consider whether lifelong learning and adult education enable a just transition towards low carbon economies in the four countries and the wider region.
Socially vulnerable groups are more sensitive to climate impacts. The research will therefore have a special focus these groups, including women, migrants, and adults with low level of formal qualifications.
Coordinated by SOLIDAR, research will be conducted locally by Just4All partners in the four countries: ABF in Sweden, Aontas in Ireland, Cardet in Cyprus, and Ligue de l’Enseignement in France. It will build on a body of EU policies on Just Transition, including an Opinion titled “Advancing the EU’s just transition policy framework: what measures are necessary?” adopted by the European Economic and Social Council (EESC) last December, which makes a series of eight proposals including “updating education curricula and vocational education and training with skills for the green transition”, “recognising the skills and qualification of refugees and migrants”, and “investing in formal, non-formal and informal learning and promoting existing guidelines and strategic frameworks to recognise and validate transversal competences, while supporting educators and learning providers with adequate funding and professional development opportunities”.
The national reports will combine surveys and desk research. Findings will inform stakeholders and EU policymakers, and foster more inclusive Just Transition policies, in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).
Just4All, a two-year programme supported by the EU, was launched in November last year. Led by SOLIDAR, it explores ways to enable a socially just transition in and through Education and Lifelong Learning. The consortium includes the European Association for Adult Education (EAEA), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), Arbetarnas bildningsförbund (ABF), Ireland’s National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS), the Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology (CARDET), and Ligue de l’Enseignement.
More details on Just4All : Just4All – Adult Education for a Just Transition – solidar.org