The political environment in Cambodia, within which independent trade unions, other workers’ organizations and civil society organizations operate, has become more and more difficult. There is continued repression of labour unrest, accompanied by a regression in labour regulations. Employer practices such as the widespread use of fixed-duration contracts, harassment and violence against union leaders and organizers, and other anti-union discrimination practices that inhibit union formation and operations persist. Democratic space has been restricted, including the dissolution of the main opposition party, restrictions on independent media as well as a number of major human rights organizations. These developments further narrow the space for trade unions to organize and represent workers, and threaten the gains they have already made

This report developed under the coordination of SOLIDAR Suisse Hong Kong examines the current operating environment for trade unions in Cambodia and its impact on trade union organizing, bargaining and advocacy capacity, working conditions and labour rights.

It also considers a range of internal and external strategies that unions and their allies could adopt to address the challenges facing trade unions and improve workers’ and trade union rights in Cambodia.

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