SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2
News and statements

SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2

SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2 SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2 In December 2020, the European Commission has launched a process to update its European Digital Competence Framework, DigComp. This upcoming version, DigComp 2.2, is foreseen to be released in December 2021, with the aim of providing example of situation involving digital competences and the…

Activity Report – SDGs Training for members

Activity Report – SDGs Training for members

SOLIDAR Foundation members’ work supports the urgently needed transition towards a social, economic and environmentally sustainable future. Nonetheless, it isn’t always self-evident for members, especially for the staff operating locally, to acknowledge the profound link of their current activities with the goals expressed in the Agenda 2030. For this reason, on 26 and 27 November 2020,…

SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe

SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe

This project is closed and ran between 2020 and 2023. WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? The project SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe – aims to achieve inclusive higher education by providing higher education institutions with the tools to deal with diversity and social inclusion. WHY? The first principle of…

ECO-IN | Algorithm for New Ecological Approaches to Inclusion

ECO-IN | Algorithm for New Ecological Approaches to Inclusion

This project is closed and ran between 2019 and 2023. WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? The Algorithm for New Ecological Approaches to Inclusion (ECO-IN) is Erasmus+ co-funded project and aims to develop new and innovative training model to generate inclusive schools and communities. WHY? Inclusive practices and systems are not a reality for all across…

Briefing Note: European Education Area – Can the European Commission deliver on its vision?

Briefing Note: European Education Area – Can the European Commission deliver on its vision?

On 30 September 2020, the European Commission updated its vision of the European Education Area (EEA) setting out the roadmap on achieving this by 2025. SOLIDAR Foundation welcomes the coherent and comprehensive vision put forward by the European Commission but it expresses its worries at the unclear means through which the goals would be met….

European Education Area and the Digital Education Action Plan – First hesitant steps towards inclusive education
News and statements

European Education Area and the Digital Education Action Plan – First hesitant steps towards inclusive education

On 30 September 2020, the European Commission updated its vision of the European Education Area (EEA) setting out the roadmap on achieving this by 2025 and presented the Updated Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP).  The Digital Education Action Plan update The DEAP acknowledges the comments of SOLIDAR Foundation in the public consultation related to the…

Briefing Note: Updated Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) – A question of education and participation or competitiveness?

Briefing Note: Updated Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) – A question of education and participation or competitiveness?

On 30 September 2020, the European Commission has revealed its updated Digital Education Action Plan, which is set to ensure the coordination of the digital transition between 2021 and 2027. The update comes after the previous Action Plan finished its cycle (2018-2020) and after a public consultation in which SOLIDAR Foundation took part. SOLIDAR Foundation…

Digital Education Action Plan: SOLIDAR´s contribution to make it a reality for all
News and statements

Digital Education Action Plan: SOLIDAR´s contribution to make it a reality for all

On 25 August, SOLIDAR Foundation provided its views on the European Commission public consultation on the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP). This consultation feeds into the upcoming update of the DEAP in September 2020, to ensure that it promotes high quality and inclusive education and training in the digital age. This becomes increasingly relevant as the COVID-19-related lockdown has illuminated deficiencies in…